Love Is Ale You Need: A Surprise Pregnancy Romantic Comedy (Brews and Flings Book 1) by Gia Stevens

Love Is Ale You Need: A Surprise Pregnancy Romantic Comedy (Brews and Flings Book 1) by Gia Stevens

Author:Gia Stevens [Stevens, Gia]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Wild Clover Publishing, LLC
Published: 2024-04-07T18:30:00+00:00

I slinked down in the seat of my vehicle that’s sandwiched between a truck with massive tires and a four-door sedan on the street outside the parking garage of The Blue Stone Group. This isn’t the type of advice I’d give to others, so what am I doing? Only going against everything I tell others to do. My excuse… Trey’s turning all my rational thinking to mush. I texted Marcie earlier asking if she could pick up Abby at the bus stop and watch her for a few hours. Since she can’t let it be what it is, I had to go into a long-winded spiel about my stakeout mission. She said since it’s for the good of my vagina, she’ll allow it.

When his black SUV comes into view, he turns left, driving away from me. A couple of cars pass before I pull out. I maintain a safe distance but keep him in my sights. Chalk this up as my first low speed pursuit. My sweaty palms slip on the steering wheel as I follow him through a residential area of town. He turns right and my brows knit together. There’s only one building down this road.

A large Whispering Pines Assisted Living sign sits on the corner of the road leading to the parking lot. Trey parks near the front entrance while I find a spot farther away. Squinting, I watch him through the glass doors as he enters and talks to the receptionist. Shit. I need to keep a pair of binoculars in my car. I shift to the left for a better angle, but he’s gone. Shit. I spin to peer over my other shoulder, and I catch sight of his black jacket headed toward a hallway. Is he visiting someone? What if it’s a nurse he’s screwing behind my back? Dammit. I jump out of my vehicle and beeline it to the front doors. Behind the desk sits an older woman with salt and pepper hair with a white tag that reads Loraine, pinned to her cardigan.

“Hi. How can I help you?” Her voice is soft and smooth like whipped butter.

“I’m here with Trey. Trey Wilson. He just came in here.” I point in the direction that I saw him disappear.

“Oh, yes.” She tilts her head. “But he didn’t mention bringing a helper.”

Helper? What the hell does he need help with?

“I just need you to sign in and I’ll get you a badge. He's usually in the main dining hall, but sometimes he wanders off.”

After she slides a badge across the counter and directs me toward a hallway. I thank her and turn on my heel. My heart pounds in sync with each step. The farther down the hall I get, the more the static in my head increases, drowning out all the other noises around me. I’m on autopilot, preparing for the worst. To see him cuddled up with a nurse. Her head thrown back, giggling at some stupid joke he made. Because that’s what he does.


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